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Thank you for considering Harbor Junior Senior High School as one of your educational opportunities. Picking the right school or program is one of the most important decisions a student and family make. In this day and age, you have more than one educational pathway to finishing high school.

We are certainly proud of the strides we have made as a school, and we offer a lot for a little school. This section of the web page guides you through the application process to Harbor Junior Senior High. We enroll throughout the year, usually closing enrollment in May. If your student is on an IEP for special education, there is an IEP team process to determine if Harbor Junior Senior High is the right placement for your student's educational goals. Harbor Junior Senior High School is open to Aberdeen students Grade 7-12.  Out of district students may apply for "choice enrollment" into our district and will be considered based on choice enrollment guidelines.

Is Harbor Junior Senior High School right for me?

What are the expectations to attend Harbor Junior Senior High School? 

Harbor Learning Center Enrollment Application (English)
Harbor Learning Center Enrollment Application (Spanish)

**Important Information** The above application is only for Harbor Learning Center, it DOES NOT enroll a student in the district. All students must enroll in the district to attend an Aberdeen School. The first step is to complete and turn in the application, then you MUST complete a New Student Enrollment.

To enroll in the district, click here NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT FORM. 

If you do not live in the Aberdeen School District area, each student must have a CHOICE form completed and accepted. CHOICE FORM (Eng) CHOICE FORM (Spn)