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Is Harbor Junior Senior High Right for Me?

What We Offer

Before you make your decision, take a look at what we offer. We may not be able to offer all of the classes found in a traditional high school, but we offer a higher degree of flexibility than you will find in many schools.


Classes offered through Harbor High School


Math (Algebra, Geometry, Third year math options)

English (Traditional ELA, Bridge to College, COE Prep)

Science classes

Social Studies Classes

Computer Skills

Fine Arts (2D, 3D Art)

Physical Education and Health

Vocational Education (Parenting, Dragon Cafe*, College and Career)

Senior Experience/Portfolio



Harbor High Offers:


Small group and/or individual instruction

An independent, self-paced study approach

Vocational Education and Employment Opportunities

Applied Math Projects

A small, safe learning environment

Teen parenting classes, childcare and family services

Career guidance, preparation and employment opportunities

Free student activities and services

Scholarship and Financial Aid Planning

Transitional Planning for post high school education and/or employment


A High School Diploma!!




Are you in grades 9- 12?

Did you leave high school without graduating?

Are you willing to work hard at a pace suitable to you?

Are you willing to commit to your education, in a relaxed environment?

Would you like to work with a staff who will work with you to accomplish your goals?

Would you like to finish your high school education and earn a diploma?

Would you like help finding employment or applying for college?

If you answered yes to any of these questions please go to our How to Enroll web page.


Some other things to consider:

Harbor High is a school committed to academic success for our students. We generally have small class sizes, and you work closely with teachers who are also your academic advisors. We are a small school, and that gives us the ability to be highly adaptable to your educational needs. Because of the nature of our school, Harbor High School enrolls students throughout the academic year, but there is limited space. As a result, we sometimes do have a waiting list. We hold a January and June graduation to accomodate students who complete their course of study throughout the year. Students considering Harbor High School should consider that there is an expectation to keep progressing along your academic plan. So if you are motivated, and ready to complete your high school education, give us a look!