HLC Headlines
Harbor Learning Center (HLC)
January/February Calendar
Dec 23- Jan 3 Winter Break
Jan 6 School Resumes
Jan 8 Early Release District-wide Collaboration at 12:45 PM
Jan 15 Family Night FAFSA for Seniors
Jan 20 No School MLK, Jr. Birthday Holiday
Jan 24 Early Release “Traditional end of the semester” 11:00 AM
Feb 5 Early Release District-wide Collaboration at 12:45 PM
Feb 17 No School Presidents’ Day
Feb 18 No School Staff Training Day
Principal’s Message:
How are students progressing towards graduation? How many high school credits do they have so far? How many points do they have in each current class? Skyward is a great resource to see how each student is progressing, and our school can also update you on progress. The end of January is a traditional “end of a school semester” and is an important time to reflect on how students are doing in this self paced environment. At the end of January,
9th Graders- To be “on track” need 3 credits, have earned 6 scales, completed 600 points worth of work
10th Graders- To be “on track” need 9 credits, have earned 18 scales, completed 1800 points worth of work
11th Graders- To be “on track” need 15 credits, have earned 30 scales, completed 3,000 points worth of work
12th Graders- To be “on track” need 21 credits, have earned 42 scales, completed 4200 points worth of work
Our self paced environment allows students to catch up if they are behind or even work ahead and graduate early! Self paced, however, means to HAVE a pace. Thanks for encouraging your students to turn in work, earn points, and complete their classes.
Aberdeen School District Seismic Grant
Our district is working with OSPI on our district Seismic Grant. Harbor Learning Center is one of our school buildings identified as needing to be replaced and moved to a safer geographic area- where it can better withstand an earthquake AND be out of the tsunami inundation zone. Lots of information on the progress is being shared at school board meetings and on our district website as to the plans for the Harbor Learning Center. Need to know more? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our school for some information.
HLC Yearbook is excited to offer a special opportunity for HLC senior students to commemorate their time at Harbor Learning Center with a personalized full-page ad in the yearbook. Here's how you can make your senior's page special:
- Price: $20 for a full-page ad.
- What's Included:
- Up to 6 Photos: You can submit up to six pictures to showcase memories, achievements, or favorite moments.
- Special Message: Include a heartfelt message to your senior, whether it's from family, friends, or the senior themselves.
- Photos must be school appropriate for inclusion in the yearbook.
- Photos should be high resolution for the best quality reproduction.
- NO Filters or Snapchat photos.
- The special message can be up to 150 words (or roughly one short paragraph).
- All content must be submitted by January 31, 2025
How to Submit:
- Email your photos and message to ksturm@asd5.org.
- Payments can be made by check (payable to HLC ASB) or cash and must be submitted by the January 31 deadline.
Interested in sponsoring ANOTHER senior? If interested, you can anonymously “sponsor” another senior student’s page. Just let us know if you would like to donate towards another senior’s page. You can select another senior OR let us choose one.
ASB update
ASB did another great job at looking for other ways to earn money. They collected over $100 during the most recent Hopkins Preschool Winterfest. They designed and painted festive ornaments with the help of the 3D Printing Club. These ASB students continue to learn how to plan and budget by finding new and innovative ways towards their goal of funding this year's yearbooks.
It’s not all about profits with ASB. Students have agreed that volunteer work would be a monthly commitment. Each week, students are working hard at their networking skills to reach out to the community about what they can do for the others. This month’s focus has been creating a connection with our youth.
Counseling Office message- Kasi Turner kturner@asd5.org
Attention Seniors!!! Are you planning to go to college after you graduate? FAFSA is open and ready for you to fill out your application. You will need to create an FAFSA ID first. Please see Kasi if you have not done this yet. We will have a family night on January 15th. We will start with dinner at 5:15 and then move into room 19 for a FAFSA presentation by the representatives from Grays Harbor College. They can help you fill out the FAFSA (as long as you have an FSA ID) and answer any questions you may have. Make sure you add this to your calendar!
It is important to check Skyward frequently. You can see current classes, completed classes, credits, graduation requirements, etc. Having trouble with Skyward? Check with me, the secretaries, or our new staff members (Amy M and Lydia G) in the computer lab. Do you have questions about your student’s progress toward graduation? Give me a call or stop by.
Graduating Senior Information!
Reminder, if your graduating senior is interested in participating in the AHS Annual All Night Safe and Sober Party on Friday, June 6, the remaining parent/guardian meetings are monthly at 6 PM at AHS in the Community Room. The remaining meetings are Jan 16, Feb 20, March 20, April 17, and May 15th. To volunteer or get more information, contact Mary Manio (360) 584 7141 or Tara Maynard (360) 591 5029. You can also email ahsgrad2025@gmail.com
You can also order a yard sign to celebrate your senior! We have copies of the order form at HLC. The signs are $40 with no photo or $50 with a photo. You email the photo to ahsgrad2025@gmail.com. You can pay by check to AHS Class of 2025 OR Venmo the money to one of the parents/guardians planning the event. (Info is on the order form!)
The Harbor Learning Center Graduation is Thursday, June 5th. After surveying our seniors, our plan is to have our HLC Graduation Ceremony at Stewart Field. By moving our ceremony to the field, we no longer have to limit the number of family/friends/guests that each student can invite. When we have the ceremony at HLC in the gym, each graduate can only invite a limited number of people due to fire code restrictions.
After School Program
The After School Program at Harbor Learning Center would love more participants! Our staff provides homework help, tutoring, and we have fun activities. All Harbor Learning Center students, including Open Doors and Grays Harbor Academy, are invited 2:45-4:00 Monday through Thursday. You do NOT have to attend every day. We would love to see you! For more information, please email Emma at ewimberley@asd5.org
School Technology and Room 4:
Laptop/Chromebook Support- If you need to leave your device in the computer lab (room 4) to get looked at please fill out the computer complaint form and tape it to the device. That way the school will know who’s device it is and what is wrong with it.
Gaggle Alerts- Students continue to set off “Gaggle Alerts”. This program monitors student technology use and alerts administration of technology use violations and safety concerns. Please remember, chromebooks/laptops are for school use only if you borrow one for a class or the day, please return any or charging cords to the lab by 2:30.
Our library continues to grow with high interest books for teens. Come in a check out a book or two!
Safe and Supportive Campus Expectations
This year we are revisiting our Campus Wide Student Expectations. Students provided feedback for this through a student survey and an advisory lesson. Our theme is “That’s What Dragons Do!” New posters reminding everyone of the expectations are being created as well. We are lucky to have such great students here, but we all need reminders now and then about what Dragons are expected to do.
Our school is a choice school. Students and families CHOOSE to attend. We follow the same district policies and expectations as our other district schools. We continue to work with our students to follow these expectations which in turn supports a safe learning environment. We enforce our state, district, and school policies and expectations around Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying AND Gender Inclusive Schools. Many of our students chose our school knowing that it is a safe place to be themselves. We expect all of our students to be respectful of students’ gender and gender expression. That includes using a student’s preferred name AND not discussing other students’ gender or gender expression. It is important that our teens are always respectful of others and make it right when they forget to do so. We have limited bathrooms at our small school. We appreciate your student being patient and understanding while waiting in line. We also appreciate that your student does not linger unnecessarily in the bathroom since others are waiting. Get in and Get out!
Open Doors/GED Program
Is your student struggling in a traditional learning environment? Did they turn 16 before September 1st, 2024? If you answered yes to the last two questions and your student is behind in credits, the GED / Open Doors Program might be for them!
We are in year four of the Open Doors / GED Program and are still making changes to the program as we continue to grow. Students are assigned to flights in order to provide proper support for them. This ensures they can access academic interventions and receive guidance to pass the GED test. Once passing the GED test, students are welcome to stay enrolled in the Open Doors program and work towards receiving their High School Diploma as well! This program is a flexible way for our students to meet their high school graduation requirements and earn their diploma.
This school year, we have already had 10 GED graduates and are looking forward to more. If you have any questions please reach out to Emma Wimberley at ewimberley@asd5.org.
Grays Harbor Academy Information
Our first semester classes will end on Friday, January 17, 2025; therefore we will not process any new enrollments until the end of January, unless an administrative placement is made. We anticipate enrolling students again after January 26. There is a lot of work to do to close out the first semester and begin the second semester. I will try to get second semester Student Learning Plans (SLPs) out by the second week of January.
At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we had almost 100 K-12 students enrolled in our online program. It is imperative to talk to us before considering this online option. We contract with an online school, Edgenuity. This online option is very different from the distance learning offered by schools during COVID. It is a 100% ONLINE school with ONLINE teachers and the expectations are VERY HIGH! It works best for students who are self motivated, self starters, who enjoy writing, and love working on a computer for over 5 hours a day. Students who struggle online are required to come to the HLC and receive support as part of an intervention. Students who do not make satisfactory progress online will be returned to in person school. It is possible to earn a high school diploma through Grays Harbor Academy and we have had several graduates over the years. We are still enrolling students into our online school. Let us know if you are interested. Contact rsutlovich@asd5.org
To access the Family Portal, request access from one of your student’s teachers by providing your STUDENT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME, YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME, AND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. You will then receive an email with a LINK to the portal, and another with a randomly generated access code. Click the LINK, then enter the ACCESS CODE and your EMAIL ADDRESS, and create a PASSWORD.
After initial setup, you can log in with your email address and password at any time to review your student’s progress. Parents/guardians are always CC’ed on all communication between the online teachers and students.
With the addition of more staff to support our students, we have changed some of the tasks/ responsibilities. We hope this helps direct you to the correct contact. As always, anyone can point you in the right direction.
Whom to contact
Robert Sutlovich Online Support Teacher
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3303
Text or Call: (360) 581-1154
Parent meetings/communication, Student learning plans, Weekly check-ins, Monthly progress reports/Intervention Plans, Conferences, Applications/Enrollments/Drops, Schedules and Grades, District and State Testing
MTSS Paras
Doull, Aaron
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3327
Bennett, David
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3328
Student help sessions, Printing for parents, Workbook disbursement, Tech Troubleshooting, i-Ready testing, Guided Note/Resource Printing
Kasi Turner Counselor
Call: 360-538-2186
Credits, Graduation plans
Amy Moyer
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3304
Computer check-outs, Technology Support
Alison Cline, Special Education Teacher
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3314
Imagine Edgenuity, Questions, IEP’s
Harbor Learning Center (HLC)
November/December/January Calendar
Nov 26 Rotary Thanksgiving Feast Noon to 1 PM
Nov 27, 28, and 29 No School Thanksgiving
December 2-20 Winter Wishes Activity
Dec 4 Early Release @ 12:45 PM for District wide Collaboration
Dec 20 Early Release @ 11:00 AM for Winter Break
Dec 23- Jan 3 Winter Break
Jan 6 School Resumes
Jan 8 Early Release @ 12:45 PM for District wide Collaboration
Jan 15 FAFSA Senior Night
Jan 20 MLK Jr. Birthday Holiday No School
Jan 24 Early Release Traditional end of the semester 11:00 AM
Principal’s Message: Advisory Fun and Winter Activities
Advisory Clubs and Activities- New to the HLC this year is Advisory Fun! We surveyed students, and then staff planned fun advisory activities. Students then chose which activity they wanted to participate in. Activities range from yoga, games, open gym, quiet studying, ASB meetings, crocheting and more! We are doing these activities on Wednesdays and Fridays. All the activities are popular, BUT 3D Printing seems to be the MOST popular one right now.
Winter/Holiday Activities- We plan lots of fun Holiday activities during the month of December. Winter Wishes is a new tradition at the Harbor Learning Center. Students make simple and reasonable wishes for themselves and/or other Dragons. Our school community spends the weeks leading up to Winter Break granting student wishes. Let us know if your family would like to participate by granting a student wish in some way. The day before Winter Break is our annual student pancake breakfast along with other fun holiday activities. Staff sponsor a holiday activity in their room and students sign up to participate in the activity. It’s a fun way to send off students before the two week break. Don’t forget students are released at 11:00 AM that day.
We are planning another yearbook this year created for our students by our students under the leadership of teacher, Kayla Sturm. Our goal is to produce the highest quality yearbook possible with students working on it as volunteers in their spare time. We want to offer the yearbook at the lowest cost possible or free so we are fundraising to off set the costs. We already had an amazing donation from the Aberdeen High School Class of 1969 for almost a $1,000. Our painted pumpkin donation event also raised over $400. We will continue to work towards donations throughout the year. Let us know if you are interested in donating!
ASB update
Our ASB students assisted with the annual Foodball. The students staged an advisory competition and the winning Advisory class was Mr. Howell’s. His advisory class got to pick a staff member to PIE in the face! Students were able to collect over 300 donations. This included canned food and money. All proceeds went to Coastal Harvest.
November 25th will be our first attempt with a winning advisory class throwing a pie at some teachers. The staff who volunteered are: Chris Howell, Cordell Trusty, Jesse Winter, Lisa Griebel, Stephanie Hoffman, Kasi Turner, Emma Wimberley, and Michelle Nipper.
Counseling Office message- Kasi Turner kturner@asd5.org
Attention Seniors!!! Are you planning to go to college after you graduate? FAFSA is open and ready for you to fill out your application. You will need to create an FAFSA ID first. Please see Kasi if you have not done this yet. We will have a family night on January 15th. We will start with dinner at 5:15 and then move into room 19 for a FAFSA presentation by the representatives from Grays Harbor College. They can help you fill out the FAFSA (as long as you have an FSA ID) and answer any questions you may have. Make sure you add this to your calendar!
It is important to check Skyward frequently. You can see current classes, completed classes, credits, graduation requirements, etc. Having trouble with Skyward? Check with me, the secretaries, or our new staff members (Amy M and Lydia G) in the computer lab. Do you have questions about your student’s progress toward graduation? Give me a call or stop by.
Graduating Senior Information!
Reminder, if your graduating senior is interested in participating in the AHS Annual All Night Safe and Sober Party on Friday, June 6, the remaining parent/guardian meetings are monthly at 6 PM at AHS in the Community Room. The remaining meetings are Dec 12, Jan 16, Feb 20, March 20, April 17, and May 15th. To volunteer or get more information, contact Mary Manio (360) 584 7141 or Tara Maynard (360) 591 5029. You can also email ahsgrad2025@gmail.com
You can also order a yard sign to celebrate your senior! We have copies of the order form at HLC. The signs are $40 with no photo or $50 with a photo. You email the photo to ahsgrad2025@gmail.com. You can pay by check to AHS Class of 2025 OR Venmo the money to one of the parents/guardians planning the event. (Info is on the order form!)
The Harbor Learning Center Graduation is Thursday, June 5th. After surveying our seniors, our plan is to have our HLC Graduation Ceremony at Stewart Field. By moving our ceremony to the field, we no longer have to limit the number of family/friends/guests that each student can invite. When we have the ceremony at HLC in the gym, each graduate can only invite a limited number of people due to fire code restrictions.
After School Program
We are still offering the After School Program at Harbor Jr/Sr High. Grays Harbor Academy online students and GED students can attend our After School Program. The After School Program started on September 30th and is from 2:45-4:00 Monday through Thursday. We offer homework help, state test tutoring, and fun activities. Our focus this year will be to create a community we can thrive in and prepare for success. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to Emma Wimberley at ewimberley@asd5.org. We will have information about family nights coming soon!
School Technology and Room 4:
Laptop/Chromebook Support- If you need to leave your device in the computer lab (room 4) to get looked at please fill out the computer complaint form and tape it to the device. That way the school will know who’s device it is and what is wrong with it.
Gaggle Alerts- Students continue to set off “Gaggle Alerts”. This program monitors student technology use and alerts administration of technology use violations and safety concerns. Please remember, chromebooks/laptops are for school use only.
Please remember to charge your devices and bring them to school. If you forgot we do have loaners but they are for in school use only. Please return any borrowed devices or cords to the lab by 2:30.
On a fun note, please come and check out the new Native Pride library books. It is pretty impressive. Thank you Misty from Native Education for all the great books. She also brought a large Tribal Nations map. Feel free to come explore the Native Pride section and or the other sections of our library. There is a whole section dedicated to graphic novels also.
Safe and Supportive Campus Expectations
Our school is a choice school. Students and families CHOOSE to attend. We follow the same district policies and expectations as our other district schools. We continue to work with our students to follow these expectations which in turn supports a safe learning environment. We enforce our state, district, and school policies and expectations around Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying AND Gender Inclusive Schools. Many of our students chose our school knowing that it is a safe place to be themselves. We expect all of our students to be respectful of students’ gender and gender expression. That includes using a student’s preferred name AND not discussing other students’ gender or gender expression. It is important that our teens are always respectful of others and make it right when they forget to do so. We have limited bathrooms at our small school. We appreciate your student being patient and understanding while waiting in line. We also appreciate that your student does not linger unnecessarily in the bathroom since others are waiting. Get in and Get out!
This year we are revisiting our Campus Wide Student Expectations. Students are provided feedback for this through a student survey. Once the expectations are updated, a school wide advisory lesson will refresh all students on what the school expectations are. Our theme is “That’s What Dragons Do!” New posters reminding everyone of the expectations are being created as well. We are lucky to have such great students here, but we all need reminders now and again about what Dragons are expected to do.
Open Doors/GED Program
Emma Wimberley (previously our MTSS/tech assistant in Room 4) replaced Tedd White as our GED/Open Doors Mentor. She is off to an amazing start with supporting our Open Doors students.
We are in year four of our Open Doors/GED program, and it is very successful! If your student is at least 16 years of age by September 1st and behind in credits, they might be eligible to enroll in our GED program.
There are changes to the GED Program for the 2024-25 school year as we continue to improve and grow our new program. Students are assigned to cohort groups (called flights) in order to better provide the needed teaching staff support. This ensures that students can access the academic interventions and guidance needed to pass the GED tests. There will also be additional Harbor Jr/Sr High staff assigned periods of the day to support our GED students and/or the Harbor High students hoping to change from In Person to GED. Additionally, we expanded our Open Doors Program to include the Open Doors Diploma Program. This Diploma Pathway includes a more flexible way for students in our Open Doors Program to meet our school district’s high school graduation requirements AND earn a high school diploma.
In the last three years over 100 students have earned their GED through our Open Doors program and many went on to earn a high school diploma. We’ve even had 9 GED graduates this year already! Need some GED information or currently working on the GED? You can contact Emma Wimberley ewimberley@asd5.org
Grays Harbor Academy Information
We are currently enrolling new high school students in three classes instead of the usual six. This will cause a credit deficiency and you would need to make up that credit in summer school or at some point later on in your high school career. Please consider this carefully when deciding to enroll in GHA. After December 9, the classes will drop down to two classes. Students enrolling late must start from the beginning and complete the entire class, as we cannot waive any course content. Regardless of grade, enrollment in Grays Harbor Academy is fairly open throughout the school year.
At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we had almost 100 K-12 students enrolled in our online program. It is imperative to talk to us before considering this online option. We contract with an online school, Edgenuity. This online option is very different from the distance learning offered by schools during COVID. It is a 100% ONLINE school with ONLINE teachers and the expectations are VERY HIGH! It works best for students who are self motivated, self starters, who enjoy writing, and love working on a computer for over 5 hours a day. Students who struggle online are required to come to the HLC and receive support as part of an intervention. Students who do not make satisfactory progress online will be returned to in person school. It is possible to earn a high school diploma through Grays Harbor Academy and we have had several graduates over the years. We are still enrolling students into our online school. Let us know if you are interested. Contact rsutlovich@asd5.org
To access the Family Portal, request access from one of your student’s teachers by providing your STUDENT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME, YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME, AND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. You will then receive an email with a LINK to the portal, and another with a randomly generated access code. Click the LINK, then enter the ACCESS CODE and your EMAIL ADDRESS, and create a PASSWORD.
After initial setup, you can log in with your email address and password at any time to review your student’s progress. Parents/guardians are always CC’ed on all communication between the online teachers and students.
With the addition of more staff to support our students, we have changed some of the tasks/ responsibilities. We hope this helps direct you to the correct contact. As always, anyone can point you in the right direction.
Whom to contact
Robert Sutlovich Online Support Teacher
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3303
Text or Call: (360) 581-1154
Parent meetings/communication, Student learning plans, Weekly check-ins, Monthly progress reports/Intervention Plans, Conferences, Applications/Enrollments/Drops, Schedules and Grades, District and State Testing
MTSS Paras
Doull, Aaron
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3327
Bennett, David
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3328
Student help sessions, Printing for parents, Workbook disbursement, Tech Troubleshooting, i-Ready testing, Guided Note/Resource Printing
Kasi Turner Counselor
Call: 360-538-2186
Credits, Graduation plans
Amy Moyer
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3304
Computer check-outs, Technology Support
Alison Cline, Special Education Teacher
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3314
Imagine Edgenuity, Questions, IEP’s
Harbor Learning Center (HLC)
October/November/December Calendar
Oct 23 Early Release @ 12:45 PM for District wide Collaboration
October 28-Nov 1 ASB Spirit Week
Oct 30 Picture Retakes
Nov 11 No School, Veterans Day
Nov 27, 28, and 29 No School Thanksgiving
Dec 4 Early Release @ 12:45 PM for District wide Collaboration
Dec 20 Early Release @ 11:00 AM for Winter Break
Dec 23- Jan 3 Winter Break
Jan 6 School Resumes
Principal’s Message:
Fall is here and before we know it comes the holidays. As the HLC gears up for the holiday season, we recognize this is a special time for students, staff, and families to come together, reflect on student progress, and share in the joy of the season. We'll be planning some festive activities and opportunities for students to give back and get creative, so keep an eye out for upcoming events. Let's make this holiday season full of warmth, kindness, and connection! We look forward to Turkey Grams, Winter Wishes, and other fun events planned by students for students.
Foodball Update
It’s time again for our area wide Foodball where students from Hoquiam and Aberdeen work together to raise money and collect food for needy families. There are so many events to participate in this year. Food ball starts Nov 1st and ends on Nov 11th. Some of the fun activities include a Dodgeball Tournament on Monday, Nov 4, at Aberdeen High School and Aberdeen’s Got Talent on Friday, Nov. 8th. There are lots of area restaurant takeovers as well. The HLC students will be participating by also doing a food drive during this time period.
HLC Staff Changes
Please join me in welcoming David Bennett. He is our new MTSS assistant with GHA, Grays Harbor Academy. David is available for in person tutoring and zoom tutoring sessions for our GHA students and some drop in Harbor Jr/Sr High students. His work day starts at 9:00 AM; and he is available after school Monday-Thursday until 4 PM for your GHA needs.
We are planning another yearbook this year created for our students by our students under the leadership of teacher, Kayla Sturm. Our goal is to produce the highest quality yearbook possible with students working on it as volunteers in their spare time. We want to offer the yearbook at the lowest cost possible or free so we are fundraising to off set the costs. We already had an amazing donation from the Aberdeen High School Class of 1969 for almost a $1,000. Our painted pumpkin donation event also raised over $400. We will continue to work towards donations throughout the year. Let us know if you are interested in donating!
ASB update
Our student-led ASB voted to support a dance for a student’s senior project. This Harvest/Halloween dance will take place at our school on October 26th at 7:30 PM.
Our counselor, Kasi Turner, gets a large THANK YOU from ASB for leading students towards a painting pumpkin silent donation/auction. The donation/auction took place during the two days of fall conferencing. We had more than twenty pumpkins painted up; and we raised more than a few hundred dollars. If you missed out on this donation/auction, don’t worry! There will be more student created auctions in the near future.
Counseling Office message- Kasi Turner kturner@asd5.org
All seniors should have gone over their graduation plans and shared them with their parents/guardian. If you did not see this, you are more than welcome to call me and we can discuss this information. The last day to choose to walk in the AHS ceremony is January 1st. Students cannot be added to the AHS list after that date. Coming up…The GHC k-12 Advocates will be coming to the school to work with 9th graders who have not yet enrolled in World Class Scholars and 12th graders who need to complete the FAFSA. Dates for both are not set yet so be sure to watch the calendar and read the newsletter.
It is important to check Skyward frequently. You can see current classes, completed classes, credits, graduation requirements, etc. Having trouble with Skyward? Check with me, the secretaries, or our new staff members (Amy M and Lydia G) in the computer lab. Do you have questions about your student’s progress toward graduation? Give me a call or stop by.
Graduating Senior Information!
Reminder, if your graduating senior is interested in participating in the AHS Annual All Night Safe and Sober Party on Friday, June 6, the remaining parent/guardian meetings are monthly at 6 PM at AHS in the Community Room. The remaining meetings are Nov 7, Dec 12, Jan 16, Feb 20, March 20, April 17, and May 15th. To volunteer or get more information, contact Mary Manio (360) 584 7141 or Tara Maynard (360) 591 5029. You can also email ahsgrad2025@gmail.com
You can also order a yard sign to celebrate your senior! We have copies of the order form at HLC. The signs are $40 with no photo or $50 with a photo. You email the photo to ahsgrad2025@gmail.com. You can pay by check to AHS Class of 2025 OR Venmo the money to one of the parents/guardians planning the event. (Info is on the order form!)
The Harbor Learning Center Graduation is Thursday, June 5th. After surveying our seniors, our plan is to have our HLC Graduation Ceremony at Stewart Field. By moving our ceremony to the field, we no longer have to limit the number of family/friends/guests that each student can invite. When we have the ceremony at HLC in the gym, each graduate can only invite a limited number of people due to fire code restrictions.
After School Program
We are still offering the After School Program at Harbor Jr/Sr High. Grays Harbor Academy online students and GED students can attend our After School Program. The After School Program started on September 30th and is from 2:45-4:00 Monday through Thursday. We offer homework help, state test tutoring, and fun activities. Our focus this year will be to create a community we can thrive in and prepare for success. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to Emma Wimberley at ewimberley@asd5.org
Technology message- Emma Wimberley and Amy Moyer
The Aberdeen School District is updating our computers this year! To ensure that computers are operating correctly, our district technology department will be pushing an update this month. Please make sure you are restarting your device every day. Additionally, if your device stops working after the update, please contact our new tech support staff member in Room 4, Amy Moyer, amoyer@asd5.org or give us a visit. It may be possible you are just missing a signature on some paperwork.
One more thing. If you need to leave your device in the lab to get looked at please fill out the computer complaint form and tape it to the device. That way I will know who’s device it is and what is wrong with it. Thank you- Amy
Safe and Supportive Campus Expectations
Our school is a choice school. Students and families CHOOSE to attend. We follow the same district policies and expectations as our other district schools. We continue to work with our students to follow these expectations which in turn supports a safe learning environment. We enforce our state, district, and school policies and expectations around Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying AND Gender Inclusive Schools. Many of our students chose our school knowing that it is a safe place to be themselves. We expect all of our students to be respectful of students’ gender and gender expression. That includes using a student’s preferred name AND not discussing other students’ gender or gender expression. It is important that our teens are always respectful of others and make it right when they forget to do so. We have limited bathrooms at our small school. We appreciate your student being patient and understanding while waiting in line. We also appreciate that your student does not linger unnecessarily in the bathroom since others are waiting. Get in and Get out!
Open Doors/GED Program
Emma Wimberley (previously our MTSS/tech assistant in Room 4) replaced Tedd White as our GED/Open Doors Mentor. She is off to an amazing start with supporting our Open Doors students.
We are in year four of our Open Doors/GED program, and it is very successful! If your student is at least 16 years of age by September 1st and behind in credits, they might be eligible to enroll in our GED program.
There are changes to the GED Program for the 2024-25 school year as we continue to improve and grow our new program. Students are assigned to cohort groups (called flights) in order to better provide the needed teaching staff support. This ensures that students can access the academic interventions and guidance needed to pass the GED tests. There will also be additional Harbor Jr/Sr High staff assigned periods of the day to support our GED students and/or the Harbor High students hoping to change from In Person to GED. Additionally, we expanded our Open Doors Program to include the Open Doors Diploma Program. This Diploma Pathway includes a more flexible way for students in our Open Doors Program to meet our school district’s high school graduation requirements AND earn a high school diploma.
In the last three years over 100 students have earned their GED through our Open Doors program and many went on to earn a high school diploma. We’ve even had 4 GED graduates this year already! Need some GED information or currently working on the GED? You can contact Emma Wimberley ewimberley@asd5.org
Grays Harbor Academy Information
We are currently enrolling new high school students in five classes instead of the usual six. This will cause a credit deficiency and you would need to make up that credit in summer school or at some point later on in your high school career. Please consider this carefully when deciding to enroll in GHA. After October 28, the classes will drop down to four classes. Students enrolling late must start from the beginning and complete the entire class, as we cannot waive any course content. Regardless of grade, enrollment in Grays Harbor Academy is fairly open throughout the school year.
At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we had almost 100 K-12 students enrolled in our online program. It is imperative to talk to us before considering this online option. We contract with an online school, Edgenuity. This online option is very different from the distance learning offered by schools during COVID. It is a 100% ONLINE school with ONLINE teachers and the expectations are VERY HIGH! It works best for students who are self motivated, self starters, who enjoy writing, and love working on a computer for over 5 hours a day. Students who struggle online are required to come to the HLC and receive support as part of an intervention. Students who do not make satisfactory progress online will be returned to in person school. It is possible to earn a high school diploma through Grays Harbor Academy and we have had several graduates over the years. We are still enrolling students into our online school. Let us know if you are interested. Contact rsutlovich@asd5.org
To access the Family Portal, request access from one of your student’s teachers by providing your STUDENT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME, YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME, AND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. You will then receive an email with a LINK to the portal, and another with a randomly generated access code. Click the LINK, then enter the ACCESS CODE and your EMAIL ADDRESS, and create a PASSWORD.
After initial setup, you can log in with your email address and password at any time to review your student’s progress. Parents/guardians are always CC’ed on all communication between the online teachers and students.
With the addition of more staff to support our students, we have changed some of the tasks/ responsibilities. We hope this helps direct you to the correct contact. As always, anyone can point you in the right direction.
Whom to contact
Robert Sutlovich Online Support Teacher
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3303
Text or Call: (360) 581-1154
Parent meetings/communication, Student learning plans, Weekly check-ins, Monthly progress reports/Intervention Plans, Conferences, Applications/Enrollments/Drops, Schedules and Grades, District and State Testing
MTSS Paras
Doull, Aaron
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3327
Bennett, David
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3328
Student help sessions, Printing for parents, Workbook disbursement, Tech Troubleshooting, i-Ready testing, Guided Note/Resource Printing
Kasi Turner Counselor
Call: 360-538-2186
Credits, Graduation plans
Amy Moyer
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3304
Computer check-outs, Technology Support
Alison Cline, Special Education Teacher
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3314
Imagine Edgenuity, Questions, IEP’s
10:17 AM
Our students will participate in an earthquake drill followed by a tsunami drill.
Rain or Shine!
We will evacuate the building and walk to our evacuation site.
It is a one mile walk ONE WAY; It is a twenty minute walk ONE WAY.
We will be outside for up to an hour.
All students and staff participate.
Students should come dressed for the weather.
Students should wear shoes for the hike.
The office will be closed during the evacuation.
Harbor Learning Center (HLC)
September/October/November Calendar
Sept 25 Early Release @ 12:45 PM for District Wide Collaboration
September 30 First day of After School Program
October Conferences- see dates and time below
Oct 4 Early Release @ 11:00 AM for SLC prep
Oct 9 After School Program Family Night 5-7
Oct 10 and Oct 11 NO classes
Oct 17 Great Shake Out Drill @ 10:17 AM
Oct 23 Early Release @ 12:45 PM for District wide Collaboration
Oct 30 Picture Retakes
Nov 11 No School Veterans Day
Nov 27, 28, and 29 No School Thanksgiving
Principal’s Message: Student Led Conferences!
It’s almost time for our favorite fall activity- Harbor Junior Senior High Student Led Conferences! This gives all of our families the opportunity to meet individually with their student’s advisory teacher and drop in for quick visits with other teachers. Students prepare a short google slides presentation and talk about the progress they are making in their classes and progress toward graduation. Please contact your student’s advisory teacher to book/confirm your conference time. The changes to the calendar for SLC’s include:
Friday, October 4 Early Dismissal 11:00 AM (Conference Prep for Staff)
Wednesday, October 9
· Regular School Day 8:10-2:45
· Conferences from 4-7:30 PM
· Family Night 5-7 PM
Thursday, October 10
· Conferences from 10:00 AM- 7:00 PM
Friday, October 11
· NO CLASSES/No Conferences
After School Program Family Night- Wednesday, October 9, 5-7 PM
All students and families are welcome to our first 24-25 family night on Wednesday, October 9, from 5-7 PM. We purposely scheduled a time during conferences when many families are already on campus. Stop by the cafeteria to meet the After School Program staff. We will have snacks, some fun activities, and information about the After School Program.
HLC Staff Changes
The retirement of our GED Mentor, Ted White, created a cascading change in staff assignments at the Harbor Learning Center. Emma Wimberley, our Room 4 MTSS Assistant, took over our GED Program. Amy Moyer, one of our Grays Harbor Academy MTSS Assistants, is now coordinating support out of our Room 4 Computer Lab/Library. We have hired a new SFSA, Student Family Support Assistant, to replace Crystal Martinez. Crystal is now supporting the Hopkins Preschool full time. Our new SFSA, Lydia Garcia, works out of Room 4 and will be assisting with Spanish interpreting, supporting EL students, working with families to remove barriers to school success, and tutoring small groups of students.
Great Shake Out October 17 at 10:17 AM
The Great Shake Out is coming 10:17 AM on 10/17/24! Our school district will participate in an earthquake drill followed by a tsunami evacuation/drill. Students should be ready for the weather and ready to hike up the hill. We had a lot of fun the last couple of years, and it is so important for students to know where to go in case of an emergency. This activity takes students off campus for up to an hour.
ASB update
ASB is back at the HLC for year two. Mr. Trusty is our new ASB Advisor. Our ASB leaders have already been busy! They hosted a get to know you activity with our middle school students. They also did an activity with our new to Harbor High 9-12 students accessing the student activity knowledge of Robert Sutlovich, our GHA Mentor Teacher. (Mr. Sutlovich is a Camp Bishop Leader and one of Aberdeen’s Outdoor School Leaders.) Additionally, ASB planned a successful spirit week. Stay tuned for more ASB-led fun student events.
Counseling Office message- Kasi Turner kturner@asd5.org
It has been a great start to the year! Remember that I am available to help in a variety of ways: *review credits and graduation requirements *listen if you need to vent * provide a space for students to refocus *help students problem solve *class scheduling *class meetings *guidance for after graduation *referrals to counseling *much, much more.
It is important to check Skyward frequently. You can see current classes, completed classes, credits, graduation requirements, etc. Having trouble with Skyward? Check with me, the secretaries, or our new staff members (Amy M and Lydia G) in the computer lab. Do you have questions about your student’s progress toward graduation? Give me a call or stop by.
Graduating Senior Information!
Reminder, if your graduating senior is interested in participating in the AHS Annual All Night Safe and Sober Party on Friday, June 6, the remaining parent/guardian meetings are monthly at 6 PM at AHS in the Community Room. The remaining meetings are Oct 10, Nov 7, Dec 12, Jan 16, Feb 20, March 20, April 17, and May 15th. To volunteer or get more information, contact Mary Manio (360) 584 7141 or Tara Maynard (360) 591 5029. You can also email ahsgrad2025@gmail.com
You can also order a yard sign to celebrate your senior! We have copies of the order form at HLC. The signs are $40 with no photo or $50 with a photo. You email the photo to ahsgrad2025@gmail.com. You can pay by check to AHS Class of 2025 OR Venmo the money to one of the parents/guardians planning the event. (Info is on the order form!)
After School Program
We are still offering the After School Program at Harbor Jr/Sr High. Grays Harbor Academy on-line students and GED students can attend our After School Program. The After School Program starts September 30th and is from 2:45-4:00 Monday through Thursday. We offer homework help, state test tutoring, and fun activities. Our focus this year will be to create a community we can thrive in and prepare for success. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to Emma Wimberley at ewimberley@asd5.org or Lisa Griebel at lgriebel@asd5.org
Technology message- Emma Wimberley and Amy Moyer
The Aberdeen School District is updating our computers this year! To ensure that computers are operating correctly, our district technology department will be pushing an update this month. Please make sure you are restarting your device every day. Additionally, if your device stops working after the update, please contact our new tech support staff member in Room 4, Amy Moyer, amoyer@asd5.org or give us a visit. It may be possible you are just missing a signature on some paperwork.
Safe and Supportive Campus Expectations
Our school is a choice school. Students and families CHOOSE to attend. We follow the same district policies and expectations as our other district schools. We continue to work with our students to follow these expectations which in turn supports a safe learning environment. We enforce our state, district, and school policies and expectations around Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying AND Gender Inclusive Schools. Many of our students chose our school knowing that it is a safe place to be themselves. We expect all of our students to be respectful of students’ gender and gender expression. That includes using a student’s preferred name AND not discussing other students’ gender or gender expression. It is important that our teens are always respectful of others and make it right when they forget to do so. We have limited bathrooms at our small school. We appreciate your student being patient and understanding while waiting in line. We also appreciate that your student does not linger unnecessarily in the bathroom since others are waiting. Get in and Get out!
Open Doors/GED Program
We were sad to see our GED Mentor, Ted White, retire at the start of the school year. He leaves big shoes to fill. We have hired Emma Wimberley (previously our MTSS/tech assistant in Room 4) to replace him. We are confident she will be a great support for our Open Doors students.
We are in year four of our Open Doors/GED program, and it is very successful! If your student is at least 16 years of age by September 1st and behind in credits, they might be eligible to enroll in our GED program.
There are changes to the GED Program for the 2024-25 school year as we continue to improve and grow our new program. Students will be assigned to cohort groups (called flights) in order to better provide the needed teaching staff support. This ensures that students can access the academic interventions and guidance needed to pass the GED tests. There will also be additional Harbor Jr/Sr High staff assigned periods of the day to support our GED students and/or the Harbor High students hoping to change from In Person to GED. Additionally, our staff plans to expand our Open Doors Program to include the Open Doors Diploma Program. Stay tuned for more information on what this looks like. This Diploma Pathway will include a more flexible way for students in our Open Doors Program to meet our school district’s high school graduation requirements AND earn a high school diploma.
In the last three years over 100 students have earned their GED through our Open Doors program and many went on to earn a high school diploma. Need some GED information or currently working on the GED? You can contact Emma Wimberley ewimberley@asd5.org
Grays Harbor Academy Information
We are well underway in the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year! We still have several applications for enrollment. Our enrollment in GHA is readily open throughout the semester; however, students who enroll late will still need to complete the entire courses from the beginning. With the exception of grades K-5, we cannot waive coursework for online students. Our first semester classes will end on Friday, January 17, 2025. Second semester classes will begin Monday, January 27, 2025.
Students all around the Aberdeen School District will be doing i-Ready testing this year, and Grays Harbor Academy is no exception. We will test in mid-September. I-Ready gives excellent data and provides many opportunities for supplemental learning and perfecting basic skills. Lessons and activities are targeted at each student’s level and areas of improvement. Students in grades K-10 should practice i-Ready skills and lessons daily. It is awesome to see the progress that students make throughout the year!! Any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Beginning on September 16th, Grays Harbor Academy students will be taking the Panorama survey. Robert will send this out a link to the students’ school email addresses. Please take some time to get this completed.
At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we had almost 100 K-12 students enrolled in this online option. It is important to talk to us before considering this online option. We contract with an online school, Edgenuity. This online option is very different from the distance learning offered by our home schools during COVID. It is a 100% ONLINE school with ONLINE teachers and the expectations are VERY HIGH! It works best for students who are self motivated, self starters, who enjoy writing, and love working on a computer for over 5 hours a day. Students who struggle online are required to come to the HLC and receive support as part of an intervention. Students who do not make satisfactory progress online will be returned to in person school. It is possible to earn a high school diploma through Grays Harbor Academy and we have had several graduates over the years. We are still enrolling students into our online school. Let us know if you are interested. Contact rsutlovich@asd5.org
To access the Family Portal, request access from one of your student’s teachers by providing your STUDENT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME, YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME, AND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. You will then receive an email with a LINK to the portal, and another with a randomly generated access code. Click the LINK, then enter the ACCESS CODE and your EMAIL ADDRESS, and create a PASSWORD.
After initial setup, you can log in with your email address and password at any time to review your student’s progress.
With the addition of more staff to support our students, we have changed some of the tasks/ responsibilities. We hope this helps direct you to the correct contact. As always, anyone can point you in the right direction.
Who to contact
Robert Sutlovich Online Support Teacher
Call: (360) 538-2180, ext 3303
Text or Call: (360) 581-1154
Assists on the following: (Parent meetings/communication, Student learning plans, Weekly check-ins, Monthly progress reports/Intervention Plans, Conferences, Applications/Enrollments/Drops, Schedules and Grades)
MTSS Paras
Doull, Aaron
(360) 538-2180, ext 3327
Moyer, Amy
(360) 538-2180, ext 3328
Assists on the following: (Student help sessions, Printing for parents, Workbook disbursement, Tech Troubleshooting, i-Ready testing, Guided Note/Resource Printing)
Kasi Turner Counselor
Assists on the following: (Credits, Graduation plans
Amy Moyer
Assists on the following: (Computer check-outs, Technology Support)
Alison Cline, Special Education Teacher
(360) 538-2180, ext 3314
Assists on the following: (Imagine Edgenuity, Questions, IEP’s)
HLC Spirit Week is Sept 16-20
Monday PJ Day
Tuesday Blackout Day (wear all black)
Wednesday Hawaiian Day
Thursday Grade Level Colors
7- yellow
8- Blue
9- orange
10- green
11- purple
12- pink
Staff- RED
Friday- School Spirit Day (Wear Dragons, Purple, or Teal)
Good news!
School pictures taken at HARBOR LEARNING CENTER on 08/30/2024 are now available for parents to view and order online. Please help spread the word by copying and pasting this info onto your school’s website, social media, emails from teachers or administrators to parents, your school’s newsletter, etc.
School Pictures are Ready!
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/
- Event Code: FE276424
- Also Needed: Skyward Student ID
Also, if your school signed up for it, an email from JostensPIX will be sent within 24 hours to parents with a link to the JostensPIX website.
Thank you.
Harbor Learning Center (HLC)
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year!
August/Sept Calendar
August/September Calendar
August 14 HLC Office Opens
August 28 First Day of School- Orientation only, Chromebook Pick Up, and meet your teachers
August 29 Classes begin at 8:10 AM!
August 30 School Photos
September 2 Labor Day- NO SCHOOL
September 25 Early Dismissal for District-wide Collaboration
We are so excited for our FOURTH YEAR as the Harbor Learning Center, HLC. This campus is a busy learning center for ages 0-21! This Hopkins Building contains:
- Aberdeen Schools’ Therapy Office
- Promise Private Day Care and Preschool
- Aberdeen School District’s Hopkins Preschool
- Snug Harbor Day Care (Aberdeen School District’s Teen Parenting Program and ASD Employee Daycare)
- Grays Harbor Academy (Aberdeen School District’s OnLine/Virtual K-12 School)
- Open Doors/GED + Diploma Program
- Harbor Junior/Senior High School
Harbor Junior/Senior High Grade 7 and 8- Year Four!
Our mission is to provide a smaller, more personalized/individualized learning environment for a few of our district's 7th and 8th graders. Our district's junior high, Miller Junior High, is an amazing, vibrant school! However, its large size (500 - 600 students) promotes an active and energetic place that might not be the optimum learning environment for a few of our district's youth. Let us know if someone in your family is interested in applying for the junior high component of Harbor Junior Senior High. Our middle school students are together in the same classes, but they have 6 different teachers. They travel from room to room like our high school students do. Some of our 8th grade students take classes with high school students which gives them the opportunity to start earning high school credit. Our middle school students also have the same lunch period as the high school students.
ASB (Associated Student Body) Activities!
ASB is back at the HLC for year two. Mr. Trusty is our ASB Advisor. Congratulations to our 24-25 ASB officers and class representatives : Officers: Co Presidents- Isabella Davidson and Jaelynne Leach; Vice President- Angel Covault; Treasurer- Mikyla Gunter; and Secretary- Kevin Estes. Class Representatives: 12th Grade Reps- Audon Allen and Phoebe Zwart; 11th Grade Rep- Emma Martin; 10th Grade Reps- Chiara Malvini and Adrien Tripp; 9th Grade Reps- Jorja Moff and Dom Wood; 8th grade Reps- Jesse Bolin and Makayla Howard. We look forward to the activities our student leaders are planning for the year.
Staff changes for 2024-2025
We were sad to see three of our teaching staff retire and said good-bye at the end of the 2023-24 school year to Katie Hirschfeld, Tammy Heth, and Mark Borgens. We are excited and fortunate to welcome two experienced teachers from AHS: Jesse Winter/Math and Jason Dore/ELA. Amy Moyer joined as an MTSS Assistant with our Grays Harbor Academy. We hired Stephanie Hoffman as a CTE/Student Store teacher. Brandi Creviston will support our English Learners. Alison Cline is our new IEP case manager for GHA students, Open Doors students, and our Harbor Jr/Sr High middle school students.
2024-2025 School Supplies
Our district expects students to provide their own school supplies. HLC does not require many individual student supplies, and we provide classroom supplies to students if needed to successfully complete an assignment. IF you are school supply shopping, you might look for: Backpack (we do not have school lockers), Paper, Pencils, Blue/Black Pens, Highlighter, Markers, Colored Pencils, and a Binder (something to keep your student’s papers/contracts organized).
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Our bell schedule is the same as last year. You will find it at the end of this newsletter. We have 7 class periods including advisory. All students are in the same thirty minute lunch period.
2024-25 Communication
There are many ways to get information about the Harbor Learning Center. Check out our school website! Our school district website has changed/is changing so let’s enjoy the new and improved format. It includes a school calendar that stays updated. HLC sends out electronic monthly newsletters. We use our auto dialer to remind families of changes to the schedule like for early release days. Students’ progress in classes can be viewed on Skyward. Feel free to call or email your student’s teachers. Let’s stay in contact to better support your student.
Student Meals
Our school serves free breakfast and free lunch to all of our Harbor Jr/Sr High students. Students attending our After School Program will also be getting a snack.
Safe and Supportive Campus Expectations
Our school is a choice school. Students and families CHOOSE to attend. We follow the same district policies and expectations as our other district schools. We continue to work with our students to follow these expectations which in turn supports a safe learning environment. We enforce our state, district, and school policies and expectations around Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying AND Gender Inclusive Schools. Many of our students chose our school knowing that it is a safe place to just be themselves. We expect all of our students to be respectful of students’ gender and gender expression. That includes using a student’s preferred name AND not discussing other students’ gender or gender expression. It is important that our teens are always respectful of others and make it right when they forget to do so. We have limited bathrooms at our small school. We appreciate your student being patient and understanding while waiting in line. We also appreciate that your student does not linger unnecessarily in the bathroom since others are waiting. Get in and Get out!
On-line Updating of Student Information
All families in the Aberdeen School District are expected to use Skyward before school starts to update their student’s information and fill out required back to school paperwork. Let us help you get it done!
Wednesday, August 28: HLC Orientation
The Harbor Learning Center starts on August 28 with Orientation from 8 AM to 1:30 PM. We encourage families to attend with their students. This orientation will take at least an hour. Orientation includes:
- Check out a district chromebook/laptop
- Check your class schedule and make sure it is correct
- Learn about school breakfast and lunch (All students receive free breakfast and lunch!)
- Review campus/school expectations
- Meet your teachers and other staff members
- Conference with your advisory teacher and review your progress towards graduation
- Complete, if needed, the online Back to School Paperwork
- Get any and all questions about the year answered!
Open Doors/GED Program
We are in year four of our Open Doors/GED program, and it is very successful! If your student is at least 16 years of age by September 1st and behind in credits, they might be eligible to enroll in our GED program.
There are changes to the GED Program for the 2024-25 school year as we continue to improve and grow this new program. Students will be assigned to cohort groups (called flights) in order to better provide much needed teaching staff support. This ensures that students can access the academic interventions and guidance needed to pass the GED tests. There will be additional Harbor Jr/Sr High staff assigned periods of the day to support our GED students and the Harbor High students hoping to change from In Person/Harbor High classes to GED. Additionally, our staff will expand our Open Doors Program to include the Open Doors Diploma Program. Stay tuned for more information on what this looks like, but it will include a more flexible way for students in our Open Doors Program to meet our school district’s high school graduation requirements and earn a high school diploma. In the last three years over 100 students have earned their GED through our Open Doors program and many went on to earn a high school diploma at Harbor High or other schools. Need some GED information or currently working on the GED? You can contact Mr. White, our GED Mentor, at twhite@asd5.org
Grays Harbor Academy, GHA
We host our district’s online school, GHA. At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we had almost 100 K-12 students enrolled in this online option. It is important to talk to us before considering this online option. We contract with an online school, Edgenuity. This online option is very different from the distance learning offered by our home schools during COVID. It is a 100% ONLINE school with ONLINE teachers who do not work for the Aberdeen School District and the expectations are VERY HIGH! It works best for students who are self motivated, self starters, and love working on a computer for over 5 hours a day. Students who struggle online are required to come to the HLC and receive support as part of an intervention. Students who do not make progress online will be returned to an in person school. It is possible to earn a high school diploma through Grays Harbor Academy, and we have had several graduates over the years. We are still enrolling students into our online school. Let us know if you are interested. Contact rsutlovich@asd5.org
HLC Main Office- Reopens August 14!
The HLC Office Service Window is open Monday- Friday from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM. You can also call the main office at (360) 538-2180. A secure drop box is available for after hours drop off of materials. Most “business” can be conducted through our HLC service window.
Would your graduating senior like to participate in the AHS Annual All-Night Safe and Sober Party?
To be included, join the fundraising and volunteer efforts!! Parent Meetings will be held in the Aberdeen High School Community Room at 6:00 p.m. on the following Thursday’s: August 8th, August 22nd, September 12th, October 10th, November 7th, December 12th, January 16th, February 20th, March 20th, April 17th and May 15th. To volunteer and/or for more information please contact Mary Mainio (360) 584-7141, or Tara Maynard (360-591-5029) at ahsgrad2025@gmail.com.
Picture Day is Coming!
Bring your smile, view & order later. Please don't wear green!
Sign up with FlashAlert to receive notifications about school closures or emergency information.
To create a FlashAlert account:
- Go to www.flashalert.net
- On the map, click the Seattle/Washington state button
- Choose "Grays Harbor Schools"
- Then choose "Aberdeen"
- You should see a window for "new subscribers"
- Enter your e-mail address and follow the prompts to set up your account.
If you are a current FlashAlert subscriber, you must renew your subscription each year.
Welcome back Students!
The first day of school for 2024-2025 will be August 28th, 2024